Mar 14, 2012

Easter Nite 2012 - The Greatest Love Story

6.30pm, Wednesday, 7th of March 2012 at the college's DK A. That's when The Greatest Love Story unfolded.

About 120 people turned up for the event. We did pray and hope for more. But it rained and rained. God always has His greater plan though, and we were reminded once again that it's not always about the numbers.

Anyway, Easter Nite 2012 started off with a Bollywood dance number between the two emcees of the night - Justin Ooi and Axton Chong. They even had a tree (a willing tall person) to dance and skip around. Then there was an awesome time of praise and worship led by Tricia Lim and Daniel Tong to lead everyone in the hall into God's presence.

On that night were a couple of performances, and three different individuals were also invited on stage to share their life story of how God has saved them and let them experience His love for them in their lives. The first to go was Axton, who shared to us in Mandarin about his bad boy background and free-thinker outlook on life before he came to know Christ during his teen years.

Among many other things, Mr. Edwin Chien, an SSH lecturer, shared about the many times God had saved him from near-death experiences. Joel Tan shared about how his past relationships had drawn him away from God, and how realization of his mother's and God's love for him has literally saved his life. His personal story was probably the most dramatic of the night. It was such an emotional one too, that a few people even cried.

Later into the evening, Pastor Andy Yeoh took over the stage. His message was a simple message to sum up everything that had been said that evening. People couldn't stop laughing. But Pastor Andy gave more than just a funny sermon. He gave a very meaningful one that didn't want to dwell on explaining who God is - because, God and His love are something to be experienced, not explained.

No one could have agreed with him on that more than the five persons who decided on that night to accept Christ into their lives, to experience God and His love instead of waiting for more explanations. And we praise God for that!

Setting up and pre-event briefing time
Emcees Justin Ooi and Axton Chong make announcements
Praise and worship time led by Tricia Lim and Daniel Tong
Emcee/CF President Justin invites the next performers onstage
Esther Chan smile for the camera before she and
Edwin Chiew perform a piano (or in this case, a keyboard) duet
The Daniels (Tong and Lee) perform the song Hero by Abandon
School of Social Science and Humanities
lecturer, Mr. Edwin Chien, shares
his life testimony of God's love and grace
constantly covering his life
Pastor Andy Yeoh of Acts Church gives
a funny but very meaningful sermon
after the performers and testimony sharers
have done their parts
The crowd being captivated
by the charismatic speakers presenting their story with God.
Cheese. :)
P.S. Sorry that the photos do not want to cooperate with the overall alignment. I tried. But they just don't want to.

Mar 10, 2012

Love Transforms 2.0

Been a little quiet around here huh. =D

This, below, is a delayed introduction of the 2012 CF theme.
For the year 2011, our CF theme was Love Transforms, which was all about receiving God's love and letting His love transform us from the inside out. We believe that many lives were transformed and had God's love revealed to them.

Then comes 2012, and the new batch of committee came together to try to come out with a new theme for CF. After much discussion, prayer and a jumble of agreements and disagreements (and sleeping over the things discussed), we all believed that God is not done yet with transforming us through the power of His love. Of course, His love would be forever changing us for the better, but we knew that focusing on His love for us in the confine of a 365-day time frame of year 2011 was hardly enough to begin talking about it. So we decided - and it was a unanimous decision - to present to all members the new theme: Love Transforms 2.0.

Love Transforms 2.0 is an extension of the theme before this. However, it is no longer just about knowing and receiving His love, but it is about passing on this love to others around us. That's beyond just talking about love. That's speaking love through our actions.

Our objectives are to:
1. Practice genuine Christian living: through the Word, Worship, Prayer, Serving and our Lifestyle
2. Obey the great Commandment: Love God, love people
3. Reach out into campus and community by
    (a) being a blessing
    (b) establishing relationships, and
    (c) preaching the Gospel

So are you ready to live out a life of transforming lives by living out the truth? :)

"My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth." (1 John 3:18)

Mar 23, 2011

Easter!!! ^^

Hey you, people out there! Yes YOU! ^^
This is a call to ALL the Body of Christ in TARCOLLEGE!

Our Easter Event: "One Love", which we aim to see believers coming together to catch the vision and calling upon this land, to let them know that we are placed here by Him not by coincidence but with a higher purpose. Christians, let's unite as ONE and come together as a body of Christ in this college to be that light and salt that we are called to be!

There will be a guest performance and testimony by
Jovi Theng who is a local music producer that has worked with S.H.E, F4, Harlem Yu, Jackie Cheong and so on. He is better known as the producer of the famous song 《情非得以》. There is also a special sketch produced by a local community which is promise to touch our hearts and leave us in awe.
Ps.Jonathan Loh from FGA, will be the amazing speaker for the night! He’ll be touching on love, the cross, and of end times. People, you would NOT want to miss this amazing event!
Non-believers are also welcome as this is an Easter Celebration, do come to know what Easter really means and its significance in altering the history of the whole mankind.
Invite your friends too! How? Share this on Facebook/Twitter or just hand them a leaflet!

Let's pack the hall and expect nothing less than a life-changing event! And I’ll see you there!

Mar 13, 2011

Last CF Combine Meeting!!!

It is the Last CF before we head on to DKA with the Christians of TARC! Let us recap what we have been through:

We started off with " Love.Transform" where Kong Hui shared the vision of CF for TARCollege as a whole. We hope to see the discovery of God's love, and let this love flow through us to transform us, our friends, our coursemates, our college.

Then we head on to the second week by rethinking the purpose and objectives of CF through the guidance by Eu Pui in "CF? For What?"

With a better understanding of the purpose of CF, we had a interactive and intense meet up with Mr. Andrew Tan on "Christians? So What?". I believe those that came would not be unchanged by the critical session held on thinking what and who Christians really are.

We went on to a very awesome time with Michael William last week on "What is Love?". Through his stories and sharing, we discover that we really ought to love our brothers as we are a child of God. And loving is not just to be said but is to be put into action. Let's do it!

Finally, we reach the 5th week's CF where it will be a combined session with our dearly brothers and sisters from Joy Group. We will be watching a great life moving movie named
"Pilgrim's Progress". Do come and be benefited as we flow together with CF to bring unity not just among Christians, but with God Himself.

Last CF for this semester in a classroom. Let's come, invite your friends along!

See you there!

Theme: Pilgrim’s Progress

Date: 15th March, 2011 (Tues)

Time: 6.30pm-8.30pm

Venue: V203


Mar 5, 2011


Joy group, will be having its weekly meeting again!! Wee~ Again, for those who do not know: Joy group, is a ministry catered specially for people who prefer mandarin speaking. "What is LOVE?" is the title for this coming Monday! Do you know about love? Do you really know about love?? You sure?? Come join us & experience! May GOD shower you with his LOVE everyday!

最近大家还过得好吗?又是时候让我们一起的在基督里聚集了!阿门。让我们一起来参与来临星期一的聚会,何为爱?你懂得什么是爱吗?你真的懂得什么是爱?真的吗? 就让我们一起来揭晓到底什么是爱,也让我们一起来揭晓我们应该怎样行来表达或回应上帝的爱。原神的爱每天都丰丰富富的充满我们

Date: 7th March, 2011

Venue: V203

Time: 6.30pm

Feb 27, 2011

Christian? So What?

The Theme is as what the title says: Christians? SO WHAT?!

Come and get some medical checkups on our understanding of what a Christian actually is, discover and laugh out loud (LOL) on some funny yet true misconception of a Christian and more than that, by the end of the meeting we should be able to understand and appreciate the true identity of what Christianity and its practitioners are.

The man that is going to take on the job of handling this "sensitive" issue would be CF's very own advisor, the young and charming
Mr.Andrew Tan!

We do hope you can come for this Tuesday's CF meeting regardless whether you believe in Jesus Christ or not. We wanna understand who are these people that spread through the whole world and altered the course of history and why there are still one of the most controversial people alive today. =)

Time: 6.30pm

Date: 1st March, 2011

Venue: V203


What you can do is: Share this with your friends, bring your friends, and come prepare your hearts for it! It’ll definitely be great! =D



Theme: 基督徒又如何?

Time: 6.30pm

Venue: V203

Date: 28th Feb, 2011